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 Up loaded on Thursday February 27, 2014

Prasar Bharati plans scaling up five DD regional channels into


        TPublic Broadcaster Prasar Bharati is planning of converting five of its regional Doordarshan channels into round-the-clock cable and satellite channels.

In a meeting of Prasar Bharati board held today, a proposal to turn Doordarshan channels for Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Jammu region was discussed, sources told PTI.

Prasar Bharati CEO Jawahar Sircar said the proposal was discussed in the board meeting and added that a optimisation committee would study the various aspects related to carrying out of this transition.

"The board has given in-principle approval to the scaling up these channels," an official said.

These channels had been broadcasting terrestrially for four hours but according to the proposal discussed in the Prasar Bharati board meeting, turning them into the round-the- clock channels would not require much of additional resources.

Earlier Prasar Bharati had turned four Doordarshan channels from part-time to round-the-clock channels in the Hindi heartland states of Bihar, UP, MP and Rajasthan.

Officials said an idea considered at the meeting was putting the historical speeches of national leaders in Prasar Bharati's archives on the internet, which found support from members of the board.


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