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Trai warns cable operators against not showing DD Channels


           The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has warned all registered Multi System Operators ( MSO)/ Local Cable Operators( LCO) against not re-transmitting the Doordarshan Urdu channel in accordance with the provisions of law.


               Trai has asked all such companies registered under section 4 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 to go by the legal provisions contained in section 8 of the Act.

             It has reminded the MSOs and LCOs that apart from the law itself, there are various notifications issued by the Prasar Bharati from time to time on this issue, which should be abided by.

            The Prasar Bharati had issued the notification under No. 16(1)/Cable/2000-E-III on the 16 May 2007 in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India Extraordinary notifying that Urdu channel to be compulsorily carried by all Cable Operators in India in non-prime band.


            Trai says it has come to the Authority's notice that a number of service providers, including multi system operators, are not retransmitting DD Urdu - which has just turned into a 24 / 7 channel in the manner specified in the provisions and notifications.

                Trai had issued a notification (F.No. 1-2/2007-B&CS Dated: 27.11.2007) to all MSOs and LCOs in Cas (conditional access system) as well as non-Cas areas on "Compulsory carriage of Doordarshan Urdu channel by all MSOs / LCOs".

           As per the provisions of the Cable Act, every cable operator shall re-transmit at least two Doordarshan terrestrial channels and one regional language channel of a State in the prime band in satellite mode on frequencies other than those carrying terrestrial frequencies. Such Doordarshan channels shall be re-transmitted without any deletion or alteration of any programme transmitted on such channels.


          The Act also provides that the Prasar Bharati may by notification specify the number and name of every Doordarshan channel to be thus retransmitted.

        Prasar Bharati's notification dated 16th May 2007 had brought DD Urdu channel into the category of mandatory channels to be carried by cable operators in India in non prime band.

       However, Trai has found many LCOs and MSOs wanting in that, and has warned them against flouting the law.



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