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 Up loaded on Sunday May 30, 2010


AMBIKA SONI’s lack luster performance in year one of UPA?



             Its been almost a year since Ambika Soni took over. And yet she has failed to stem the rot seeped in Prasar Bharati. Nor has she devised any mechanism whereby a more promising picture emerges in AIR and Doordarshan. While she maintains a posture of setting things right and control a belligerent Management headed by B S Lalli, CEO her contributions have not exceeded few political statements ! Professionals who heaved a sigh of relief after the exit of Anand Sharma are equally perturbed with her. Moreover after her lack lustre and controversial performance in Ministry of Culture she had an excellent opportunity to leave her mark which is yet to start !


          Sources in her own Ministry comment that she has not been able to rein in the CEO nor assuring the nation that Prasar Bharati Board meetings would be held regularly and do constructive business. With Commonwealth Games looming and the host broadcaster mired in trivial issues, its questionable performance in coverage of important events have raised credibility quotient.


         As usual, it is learnt that B S Lalli, CEO making full use of situation is playing with Rules and avoiding to hold Board meetings. If one asks for details of all Board meetings since he took over three years back and quantum of action taken would shame the Parliament who made this Act! With millions going down drains and CEO and his handful of supporters in minority are in fact playing a role which Opposition would have loved to do - stalling all saner business!


          Why Board meetings are not being held despite Chairperson demanding is being attributed to the fact that the Minutes prepared by B S Lalli, CEO for a supposed meeting held on November 18, 2009 have not been ratified by Board. Reason, he held the Meeting after the main meeting got over and after the departure of Chairperson, Addl Secretary of I & B, and four more Members. While all meetings held are audio recorded the latter portion of this meeting, which he took in his room was not recorded. And the Board has spurned his circulated Minutes asking them to be prepared as per audio evidence only.


         But why these minutes are so important. Peeved at being stripped off all authority, B S Lalli in this meeting decided “that all powers are restored to the CEO” !! This has been objected to by all other (majority) Members that minutes held without Chairperson and Ministry representative was nothing but forgery and fraud done by CEO. More shocking that DG Doordarshan, who is the representative of Ministry has sided with CEO for her own ends. The other two Members are reported to be acting as his side kicks not enjoying any standing at all.


          In the last meeting Suman Dubey, an important Member had categorically asked for postponement because the Agenda prepared by DG was incomplete and not acceptable which as per norms has to be prepared by Member-Personnel..........


         There is confusion. Professionals are stifled with all this. Corruption on maximum and Public Service Broadcast has lost its credibility and viewers...do we really need this defunct Prasar Bharati being manned by bunch of bureaucrats who have misused the Act of Parliament ? Or is the Minister in league with them? Will the Prime Minister rescue AIR & Doordarshan and let it be run by professionals....or is it the end for Public Service Broadcast!

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 BHARATI   endorse  all the views expressesd in this report


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