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 Up loaded on Friday July 02, 2010

 White House backs spectrum plan, incentive auctions

            The Obama administration of United States, this week said it favors freeing up 500MHz of spectrum for wireless Internet broadband service over the next decade and supports the FCC's plan to recoup 120MHz of spectrum from television broadcasters to be auctioned to wireless providers.


           In remarks June 28 to the New America Foundation, National Economic Council director Lawrence Summers laid out the administrations four-point spectrum plan, which includes repurposing spectrum used today by TV broadcasters to the "higher value use" of supporting wireless broadband service.


           While pointing out that broadcasters would be given the choice whether or not to give up spectrum to be auctioned for wireless use, Summers said those that do "would receive a portion of the auction proceeds."


          Experts  says   "New technologies can now support more than one high-quality signal in a space that previously could only fit one, enabling multiple stations to share a band of spectrum and free up an equal amount for other purpose,"


             According to experts, expanding available spectrum for wireless broadband use will produce sizable economic benefits for all countries around the world. New 4G (4G spectrum is the spectrum now allocated mainly to Broadcasters ) wireless technology "promises to bring significant economic benefits,". Both the capital expenditures to deploy 4G networks and new business opportunities stemming from increases in speed and functionality of the network will generate significant job creation, experts claiming.


           The countries  around the world have started realising the great value of the spectrum now allocated to Television Broadcasters with out a reasonable spectrum charge or allocated with out any charges. We hope that our government also will realise it, and will do the need full in this direction in the larger interest of our ccountry. FRIENDS OF PRASAR BHARATI will continue its campaign for that.


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