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 Up loaded on Wednesday August 04, 2010

 The full text of the  speech by    SHRI. SYED AZEEZ PASHA M.P ,in the

 Rajya Sabha demanding affirmative action against

CEO  Prasar Bharati




 Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir,

          I want to raise the issue strong condemnation by the CVC on CEO of Prasar Bharati.
The Central Vigilance Commission has recently given a strong condemnation of the
activities of the CEO of Prasar Bharati, citing administrative, financial matters and
breaches of Parliamentary privilege. Earlier, other agencies have also made
condemnatory references on the activities and performance of the same CEO.
Prasar Bharati is a vital media institution of the Government. When Prasar Bharati
was established, there were hopes that it would serve as a beacon of light and lead
itself by exemplary work.

              The CVC has passed strictures against the functioning of the CEO on a
minimum of five different cases. The CVC pointed out severe loss of revenues to
the Government. The auctioning and bidding systems were framed in such a way
as to get less revenue. The CVC has clearly mentioned the charges of collaboration
between the Prasar Bharati and interested private parties to create a loss for Prasar
Bharati, and unlawful gains for private interested parties. The Government was
earlier made aware of other activities of the CEO, for which appropriate inquiries
were initiated.

               It was also pointed out that huge fees were paid to lawyers for defending the CEO
of Prasar Bharati. The Government has issued no directions on the huge fees paid out to
the lawyers defending the Prasar Bharati CEO. The frequent in-fighting among the Board
members has also led to its portrayal as an organisation in drift.

               It is mystifying why the Government is so
quiet with regard to the on-goings in the Prasar Bharati. The Government has
many alternatives and options at its disposal. It can either take stringent action
against the CEO of Prasar Bharati or find ways to rein in his behaviour and financial
profligacy for the rest of his tenure. The Government is doing neither of these.
There is a feeling that the Ministry has taken a decision to allow things to drift in this
manner. I would like to know whether this is a deliberate policy or there are some
other under-currents for this lax attitude towards Prasar Bharati.

                     The indifference of the Government is hurting Prasar Bharati and will also
impact its future. The silence of the Government creates doubts in the minds of the
public whether some senior members of the Government are in collusion with the
CEO in all these doings. Though the CVC and other bodies have given
condemnatory reports on various operations of Prasar Bharati, the silence of the
Government is quite shocking.

                It is hoped that the Government will set the matters right. The Government
can rein in the CEO through various checks and balances which it is not doing.
There is no legal order on the Government for instituting checks and balances, and
controlling erratic performance. We now find that Prasar Bharati has become a
dysfunctional body which is not fulfilling its duties in any measure.



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