Radio programme on
MNREGA a hit
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Deevige, a sponsored programme on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), produced by All India Radio (AIR)
Hassan has received an overwhelming response from the public.
The programme, broadcast by all AIR stations in the State simultaneously
at 7.45 p.m. every day, has completed 69 episodes so far. Eleven more
episodes are scheduled to be aired before March 20. At the end of each
episode, AIR invites response and suggestion from the listeners.
In response, the AIR Hassan station has received 10,000 letters from the
listeners. “We never expected this. This is the first time we have
received so many letters in response to our programme in the recent
years,” H. Srinivas, programme executive of AIR Hassan, said.
Programme executives of the station H. Srinivas, Narayana M. Bhat, Bedre
N. Manjunath and transmission executive Vijay Angadi travelled across 16
districts of the State and produced the episodes. The programme, sponsored
by the Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, focuses on
changes brought about by the MNREGA in rural areas.
The station has received responses from across the State. “Many have
suggested changes in the implementation of the job guarantee scheme and
have narrated their experience as a beneficiary of the scheme. A few have
raised objections to the way the scheme is being implemented in some
places,” Mr. Srinivas said.
Mr. Bhat said the MNREGA had helped in bringing about financial inclusion
in rural areas. Many beneficiaries had opened bank accounts for the first
time in their life, he said.
“We have focussed all theses developments in the programme,” he added.
AIR Hassan has earned revenue of Rs. 14 lakh through the programme.
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