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 Up loaded on Saturday August 04, 2012

Prasar Bharati may sue TAM for ‘raw deal’ to Doordarshan


               Close on the heels of the NDTV lawsuit, Prasar Bharati is considering legal action against Television Audience    Measurement (TAM) for suppression of data related to viewership for Doordarshan and its allied channels. The issue is likely to be discussed in the Prasar Bharati board meeting on August 6.

Prasar Bharati CEO Jawahar Sircar said, "I am keen on taking legal action against TAM. But we are still in discussions with our legal counsel. The final decision will be taken by the board and we will abide by it."

Doordarshan has 37 channels including DD Bharati and DD National besides four allied channels like Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha TV. With its 1415 transmitters DD enjoys an enviable 92% coverage of the country through its terrestrial network. These would constitute a viewership of about 2.5 crore people. The state broadcaster also has DD Direct Plus that has over 1 crore subscribers amounting to at least 3.5 crore viewers.

However, sources say that despite the largest viewership base DD has always been short-changed by TAM when it came to viewership ratings.

"DD channels never notch high television rating points and our revenues have over the years suffered tremendously because of that," a source said.

Prasar Bharati's revenues have in fact stagnated at Rs 1,200-1,400 crore in the last few years. This has also meant that the public broadcaster had to be sustained by the public exchequer.

The pubcaster has repeatedly raised this issue with the I&B ministry and the parliamentary standing committee. In fact, appearing before the 2004 Parliamentary standing committee headed by Nikhil Kumar that looked at the TRPs issue, Prasar Bharati said that neither broadcasters, advertisers or corporate media planners could get a "true picture" about Indian viewers' TV watching habits as the rating system did not adequately represent the actual television viewing pattern of the Indian TV homes.

Prasar Bharati pointed out that "62 million of 112 million TV homes were outside the ambit of television audience measurement ratings as they were in rural areas".

The report says, "Prasar Bharati further stated that besides the size and non-representation of the sample, other factors affecting the reliability of TAM Media Research data were the release of data on weekly basis, lack of transparency in the method of selection of households and the confidentiality of the names of panel homes, which prevented verification. Further, induced viewership and tampering with data could not be ruled out as ratings were not subjected to validation or independent audit."


         It is  a fact that TRP ratings were absolutely unscientific and have hurt Prasar Bharati very badly. Many Private channels were able to grease the palms of TAM and got good rating, fudged though. They made fast bucks. Doordarshan  channels were the losers. The method used by the TAM to assess the viewership is faulty and without any scientific basis. The people meters that have been installed aren’t enough in number – there are only 7,200 people meters in 148 cities with one lakh population, with a considerable part of them in the metros. There are not enough in smaller towns. There are no people meters in the North East and whole of J&K, Jharkhand, Bihar.. There is not a single people meter in the 600,000-odd villages in the country. People meters are not very effective modes of assessing what people watch on TV.

         Now with the law suit of NDTV it became quite evident that TAM ratings were also manipulated by  Private Broadcasters by paying bribes to the rating agencies officials. FRIENDS OF PRASAR BHARATI demands that the government should initiate action against the rating agencies involved in this scam.


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